Server Hunter Sync

Automatically sync stock, name, visibility, prices and currency of your Blesta Packages with Server Hunter Offers.

Server Hunter Sync

Starting at
Pay What You Want

(Minimum £50)



Online copy of the supplied README
(Note: This is autogenerated, might be broken or unpolished/ugly)


Server Hunter Sync

Automatically sync stock, name, visibility, prices and currency of your Blesta Packages with Server Hunter Offers

Install the Plugin

  1. Upload the source code to a /plugins/server_hunter_sync/ directory within your Blesta installation path.

    For example:

  2. Log in to your admin Blesta account and navigate to

    Settings > Plugins

  3. Find the Server Hunter Sync plugin and click the "Install" button to install it

  4. You're done!

Setting up

Once you've installed the Plugin, go to "Manage" on the plugin and input your API key which you've got on Server Hunter by navigating to: Information for Providers > Manage Accoun > Manage (On your company) > API > Generate API Key

Quick Support

Pricing/terms are not synced properly, why is that?

Make sure you've selected the proper currency. After that, make sure that you have one of the supported terms setup on your package with that currency:

  • 1 - Year
  • 6 - Month
  • 3 - Month
  • 1 - Month
  • 1 - Week
  • 1 - Day
