PeeringDB Login

Let your clients login to Blesta using their PeerinDB account.

PeeringDB Login

  • Source Code
  • Easy To Configure
  • Quick Logins
  • OAuth Support
Starting at
Pay What You Want

(Minimum £10)



Online copy of the supplied README
(Note: This is autogenerated, might be broken or unpolished/ugly)


PeeringDB Login

Let your clients login to Blesta using their PeerinDB account.

Install the Plugin

  1. Upload the source code to a /plugins/peeringdb_login/ directory within your Blesta installation path.

    For example:

  2. Log in to your admin Blesta account and navigate to

    Settings > Plugins

  3. Find the PeeringDB Login plugin and click the "Install" button to install it

  4. You're done!

Quick Support

Where can I find my Client ID and Client Secret?

  • First of all, go to and login into your account.
  • Once you are logged in, go to the following URL:
  • Click on "New Application"
  • Configure it as:
    • Name - Pick anything, doesn't matter
    • Client type - Public
    • Authorization grant type - Authorization code
    • Redirect uris - Enter the URL found on the Manage Module Page
  • You will see your Client ID and Client Secret, copy them over into Blesta
  • Save both in Blesta and in PeeringDB
